Category Archives: General

Perennial Favorites: How to Starve a Troll

The Daily Post

troll Image via Flickr user christoph.grothaus

Your blog is your space, and you get to define what behavior is acceptable — and not acceptable. This great advice from our in-house Miss Manners, Elizabeth Urello, is worth a second read.

For as long as there have been blogs, there have been trolls. A troll is a commenter who hangs around your blog for the sheer purpose of annoying and goading you and your other readers.

Trolling is quite different from merely being critical. Obviously, not all of your readers are going to agree with you about everything, but a troll’s comments will rarely have anything to do with the topic at hand. For example, say you review a certain book you like. Someone might comment that she thinks it is an overrated work and doesn’t understand why anyone likes it. That’s not trolling. Even a comment as abrupt as “I’ve always hated…

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What is a Blog?

A “blog” is an idea.  It is adventure.  It can mean excitement or knowledge.  A blog can be thought-provoking, visual or intellectual.

The basic definition of a blog is a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis. “Individual blogs tend to focus on an individual topic and maintain an ongoing chronicle of information.”

Darren Rowse of ProBlogger, stateed that in order to have a successful blog one must first experience many failures.  The more you fail at blogging the more you are able to narrow down what is working.  That article can be found here:

The following video is simple but engaging.  It puts the elements of a blog into layman’s terms that are easy to comprehend.